Restricted diet.& Dietetic incompatibility.
There are some diets , which you should avoid always, because they are harmful to our body.
Fast foods-Fine floor (Maida) , yeast containing foods like bread , pizza , burger , biscuits , etc which generates disease like constipation ,indigestion, gastric troubles ,weak digestive system ,obesity , heart diseases, diabetes , intestinal diseases.
Stale food-Stale food generates disease like constipation ,indigestion, gastric troubles ,weak digestive system ,obesity , heart diseases, diabetes , intestinal diseases.
Chocolates-Chocolates have phenyl ,ethylamine, thyobromede etc chemicals which may create threatening disease like pyrea diabetes & cancer.
Tea & Coffee-They have 10 dangerous chemicals like Tannins , Thenine ,Caffine etc which are cause of insomnia , Acidity ,weak digestive power ,peptic ulcers etc & also harmful to kidney & intestine.
Cold drinks –It has poisonous substances like D.D.T.(Carcinogen), Lindane (Dangerous to children’s brain) ,Chlorpyrephos (Threatening for pregnant ladies), & Phosphric acid (Osteoporesis).
Non veg-It may create cardiac diseases, skin diseases ,stone problem , & kidney releated problems.
Liquors & smokingLiquors , smoking & other addictions are cause of incurable diseases of liver ,kidney, Brain(specially memory loss) , & characterlessness / Brateness.
Dietetic incompatibilityMeans there are some diets which are contraindicated in special conditions (e.g. season, region, quantity, combination……….. ) here we are giving you some dietetic incompatibility
With milk-Do not take curd, salt, gur, sour substance, tamarindus, raddish , turai, about all fruits, garlic ,zinzer , They create chronic incurable diseases like white spots (luecoderma) , psoriasis, osteoasthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acne , itching etc.
With curd –“Khir”, milk, butter (panir), Hot food , water mallon, raddish
With ghee-Cold milk, cold water , & honey in same quantity.
With cold water-Ground nut, Ghee ,oil, water mallon, guava, jamuna, kakri , khira, hot food.
With hot food-Cold drinks.