These are six yogic purificatory (cleansing) methods which are as beneficial as Ayurvedic panchkarma .The aim of Panchkarma is physical purification & apart of this aim of shatkarma is physical as well as mental purification'
Basic shatkarmas are :
(1) Neti karma
-Purification of nasal routeFurther two type -Sutra neti -Jal neti
(2)Dhoti karma
-Purification of stomuchfurther two type -Vastra dhoti -Jal dhotiBesides of these
- Panchdhoti(Karna & karnarandhra dhoti,Kapalrandhradhoti,Jivha & Jivhamul dhoti , dant dhoti, nasika dhoti)- & Gajkarni or Gajkarma are also practiced dhoti.
(3)Basti karma(Enema)
Anus,rectum & large intestine purificationfurther two types -Pawan basti (Air enema) -Jal Basti (liquid enema).
(4) Tratak
Eye purification & also very good results in improving memory & concentration.further three types -Aantar trataka -Bahya trataka -Madhya trataka
Nostrils & nasopharynx purificationvery good result in kayakalpa(whole body development)
Visceral massage which beneficil mainly to digestive system and beneficial in curing of all diseases
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Yoga and Ayurveda both are most ancient supernatural sciences(you can say holistic health care systems) on earth, the basic of both are same.Ayurveda is a life science & yoga is a science of life. It's a very big topic to discuss that yoga is a part of Ayurveda but ,there are some references which proves yoga in Ayurvedic texts like caraka samhita sahrirsthana chapter I verse 137,138,138,142.........
Yoga and Ayurveda both are most ancient supernatural sciences(you can say holistic health care systems) on earth, the basic of both are same.Ayurveda is a life science & yoga is a science of life. It's a very big topic to discuss that yoga is a part of Ayurveda but ,there are some references which proves yoga in Ayurvedic texts like caraka samhita sahrirsthana chapter I verse 137,138,138,142.........
Its very cofusining matter because yoga is very ancient science and so many persons classified it according to his view .Although its difficult to solve this problem yet we are trying to classify it according to ancient Indian texts.
-Gyan yoga , Karmayoga , Bhaktiyoga,
-Gyanyoga, Karmayoga
-In Shrimadbhagvadgeeta's every Chapter is called Yogashastra & end of every chapter is called Yoganta e.g.Arjunvishad yoga,Sankhyayoga..............Mokshyoga ,Sanyas yoga ,But as a conclusion of Geeta Basic yogas are Karmayoga,Bhaktiyoga,Gyanyoga.
In Ancient Indian texts the basic concept of original yoga studies should be referenced from these three basic texts
(iii)Patanjali Yoga sutra(Ashtang yoga - Yum,Niyum,Asan,Pranayam,Pratayahar,Dharana,Dhyana,Samadhi)
And any more queries about it are most welcomed at our live sessions.(Practical sessions)
Its very cofusining matter because yoga is very ancient science and so many persons classified it according to his view .Although its difficult to solve this problem yet we are trying to classify it according to ancient Indian texts.
-Gyan yoga , Karmayoga , Bhaktiyoga,
-Gyanyoga, Karmayoga
-In Shrimadbhagvadgeeta's every Chapter is called Yogashastra & end of every chapter is called Yoganta e.g.Arjunvishad yoga,Sankhyayoga..............Mokshyoga ,Sanyas yoga ,But as a conclusion of Geeta Basic yogas are Karmayoga,Bhaktiyoga,Gyanyoga.
In Ancient Indian texts the basic concept of original yoga studies should be referenced from these three basic texts
(iii)Patanjali Yoga sutra(Ashtang yoga - Yum,Niyum,Asan,Pranayam,Pratayahar,Dharana,Dhyana,Samadhi)
And any more queries about it are most welcomed at our live sessions.(Practical sessions)
Everyone wishes to shine in his life but in this hectic life , and in the age of cut through competitions a man can’t spend time for himself (although he wishes). Man is earning money at the cost of his health. Some times he wishes to spend time for health ,and he tries also but after sometime he leaves the efforts due to lack of time .
Exexutive,IT Professionals, B.P.O. Professional etc.who is continously exposed to computer screen,prone to computer vision syndrome,confined to sitting on a chair for long hours with prolonged use of fingers for operating keyboard leading to carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain injuries) and Back pain symdrome, working late hours without proper sleep during our circadian rhythm, physical and mental stress of meeting deadlines and have untimely food irregularly leading to host of gastrointestinal , neurological ,psychiatric disorders etd . To broaden your awareness of health, fitness, nutrition, movement, stress management and creative expression this package give you enough insight.
So we developed a “Special 30 minute programme for busy persons” for their good health which is blend of Asans , pranayams, meditations ,some micro exercises , prayer , sahntipath etc.
It works wonders to keep you happy and healthy and increases your professional skills ,work life adjustments. We developed the programme on the results of our spontaneous experience in field of yoga , which never make you bored , you will enjoy the programme and your sound health , we will give you such a good training that after some time you can practice it on your on, you will being loving the programme so much that you will wish to perform it again & again to rejuvenate yourself.
After adopting the programme you will be more enthusiastic & optimistic with great positive thought. This is specially made for youngsters who really want go on high in their lives.
Everyone wishes to shine in his life but in this hectic life , and in the age of cut through competitions a man can’t spend time for himself (although he wishes). Man is earning money at the cost of his health. Some times he wishes to spend time for health ,and he tries also but after sometime he leaves the efforts due to lack of time .
Exexutive,IT Professionals, B.P.O. Professional etc.who is continously exposed to computer screen,prone to computer vision syndrome,confined to sitting on a chair for long hours with prolonged use of fingers for operating keyboard leading to carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain injuries) and Back pain symdrome, working late hours without proper sleep during our circadian rhythm, physical and mental stress of meeting deadlines and have untimely food irregularly leading to host of gastrointestinal , neurological ,psychiatric disorders etd . To broaden your awareness of health, fitness, nutrition, movement, stress management and creative expression this package give you enough insight.
So we developed a “Special 30 minute programme for busy persons” for their good health which is blend of Asans , pranayams, meditations ,some micro exercises , prayer , sahntipath etc.
It works wonders to keep you happy and healthy and increases your professional skills ,work life adjustments. We developed the programme on the results of our spontaneous experience in field of yoga , which never make you bored , you will enjoy the programme and your sound health , we will give you such a good training that after some time you can practice it on your on, you will being loving the programme so much that you will wish to perform it again & again to rejuvenate yourself.
After adopting the programme you will be more enthusiastic & optimistic with great positive thought. This is specially made for youngsters who really want go on high in their lives.
"Pranayama is control and extension of Breath".
"Prana" is Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force, and "ayama" means control. So Pranayama is "Control of Breath". One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with pranayama and achieve healthy body and mind.
Patanjali in his text of Yoga Sutras mentioned pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness, he mentions the holding of breath as important practice of reaching Samadhi. Hatha Yoga also talks about 8 types of pranayama which will make the body and mind healthy. Five types of prana are responsible for various pranic activities in the body, they are Prana, Apana, Vyan, Udana & Samana. Out of these Prana and Apana are most important. Prana is upward flowing and Apana is downward flowing.
Practice of Pranayama achieves the balance in the activities of these pranas, which results in healthy body and mind.
Types Of Pranayama:
• Quiet Breathing , Deep Breathing , Fast Breathing
• Tribandha and Pranayama
• Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama or Anuloma - Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing - I
• Anuloma - Viloma or Alternate Nostril Breathing - II
• Suryan Bhedan Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)
• Ujjayi Pranayama
• Bhramari Pranayama
• Pranayama from Hatha Yoga (Surya Bhedan, Bhasrika, Ujjayi, Shitali, Sitkari, Bhramari, Murchha & Plavini Pranayama)
• Kapalbhati(also included in yogic shatkarma)
As people have attraction towards Yogasanas, similarly they have attraction to Pranayama. The process of Pranayama is concerned with the breathing, the indicator of life. And therefore, if it is done wrongly, it may do harm to the person. This fear dissuades many from taking up Pranayama. The second reason for its unpopularity is the absence of teachers who can teach it scientifically. However, it is true that if one does Pranayama unscientifically, without proper guidance, one certainly suffers. But it does not mean that it is such a difficult process, that it cannot be done by a common man. On the contrary, if it is learnt and practiced under an expert's guidance, one learns soon and experiences the wonderful and even unimaginable benefits.
In Patanjali's "Ashtanga Yoga", Pranayama appears at the fourth stage. This means unless one observes Yama-Niyama and does Asanas well, he cannot reach this fourth stage. Even the Asanas discussed here are presented in their preliminary form. Therefore, for doing Pranayama, it is not enough to have done the Asanas as mentioned here. Even after learning these Asanas and having practiced them, one needs some preparation before actually taking up Pranayama. And an attempt is made to discuss that preparation. Actual Pranayama means the holding up of the process of exhaling and inhaling. And it is not possible to discuss or guide this serious aspect of Yogabhyasa in preliminary discussion.
"Pranayama is control and extension of Breath".
"Prana" is Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force, and "ayama" means control. So Pranayama is "Control of Breath". One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with pranayama and achieve healthy body and mind.
Patanjali in his text of Yoga Sutras mentioned pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness, he mentions the holding of breath as important practice of reaching Samadhi. Hatha Yoga also talks about 8 types of pranayama which will make the body and mind healthy. Five types of prana are responsible for various pranic activities in the body, they are Prana, Apana, Vyan, Udana & Samana. Out of these Prana and Apana are most important. Prana is upward flowing and Apana is downward flowing.
Practice of Pranayama achieves the balance in the activities of these pranas, which results in healthy body and mind.
Types Of Pranayama:
• Quiet Breathing , Deep Breathing , Fast Breathing
• Tribandha and Pranayama
• Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama or Anuloma - Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing - I
• Anuloma - Viloma or Alternate Nostril Breathing - II
• Suryan Bhedan Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)
• Ujjayi Pranayama
• Bhramari Pranayama
• Pranayama from Hatha Yoga (Surya Bhedan, Bhasrika, Ujjayi, Shitali, Sitkari, Bhramari, Murchha & Plavini Pranayama)
• Kapalbhati(also included in yogic shatkarma)
As people have attraction towards Yogasanas, similarly they have attraction to Pranayama. The process of Pranayama is concerned with the breathing, the indicator of life. And therefore, if it is done wrongly, it may do harm to the person. This fear dissuades many from taking up Pranayama. The second reason for its unpopularity is the absence of teachers who can teach it scientifically. However, it is true that if one does Pranayama unscientifically, without proper guidance, one certainly suffers. But it does not mean that it is such a difficult process, that it cannot be done by a common man. On the contrary, if it is learnt and practiced under an expert's guidance, one learns soon and experiences the wonderful and even unimaginable benefits.
In Patanjali's "Ashtanga Yoga", Pranayama appears at the fourth stage. This means unless one observes Yama-Niyama and does Asanas well, he cannot reach this fourth stage. Even the Asanas discussed here are presented in their preliminary form. Therefore, for doing Pranayama, it is not enough to have done the Asanas as mentioned here. Even after learning these Asanas and having practiced them, one needs some preparation before actually taking up Pranayama. And an attempt is made to discuss that preparation. Actual Pranayama means the holding up of the process of exhaling and inhaling. And it is not possible to discuss or guide this serious aspect of Yogabhyasa in preliminary discussion.
Meditation encompasses a variety of practices that are somewhat different, while holding to the basic principles of consideration and quiet thought to bring about a state of rumination. Various types of meditation that are recognized include transcendental meditation, prayer, Zen meditation, Taoist meditation, mindfulness meditation, and Buddhist meditation. Some methods of meditation may require the body being absolutely still or to be moved with controlled deliberation, while other types allow for free movement of the body.
While the methods are different, the end goal of all types of meditation lead to a mind that is quieted and free from stress by the use of quiet contemplation and reflection Along with the question "What is Meditation," you may also wonder, "What benefits can be experienced by using meditation regularly?"
There are a variety of benefits that have been linked with the regular practice of meditation. Meditation can bring about healing of both the body and the mind by using deliberation of thought and consideration.
There are various physical benefits that can be experienced when meditation is made to be a part of daily life. Some physical benefits of meditation include a decrease in blood pressure and an improvement in breathing due to the increase of air flow that gets to the lungs. Those who use meditation regularly also find that their resting heart rate is lower as well, which takes some of the stress off the heart. Chemicals in the body that are associated with stress are lower as well, which leads to less anxiety. Meditation also promotes youthful skin and a youthful appearance.
Meditation is a practice that brings about not only physical benefits, but psychological benefits as well. Bringing oneself to a state of rumination through meditation has amazing effects on the psych of a person. Relaxation and a decrease in stress are rather obvious benefits, but many people do not realize that meditation can also improve moods and memory and decrease moodiness and depression Now that you have some answers to the question, "What is meditation," you may want to go on to experience the benefits of meditation for yourself. Mediation can only improve the life you are living; providing both physical and emotional benefits that will change your life in a positive way.
How yoga works
Blood flow & oxygen supply of whole body increases through yoga thus every part of body gets more energy and subsequently its work capacity increases. e.g. In case of 'Sarvangasan' blood circulation to thyroid endocrine gland increases subsequently it's work capacity increases. Like this in case of 'Shirshasan'blood circulation to brain increases neurons supply senses faster to brain.
A research according to Dr.Crystophur Moor of Mesechuates institute of technology (MIT) America, “we expect to cure Alzimers, siezophrenia, multiple sclerosis & epilepsy through shirshasan
Like this in some yogaasans & mudras, increases ,decreases the pressure of various visceral orgnas(Stomuch,Liver,Intestine,Kidney,Pancreases) some times zero pressure thus these organs gets a visceral massage that improves their work capacity in a patient as well as a healthy individual.
Some reflex actions ,feed back mechanism also effected by yoga.Like this we can fight with wrinkles through some facial yoga.which are helpful to stretch and tone facial muscles like singhasan,hasyasan,Shnya pranayam,& some Sukshma yogasans .our facial muscles become weak and flabby and need regular work outs and circulation to reduce wrinkles.
Thus we can say yoga acts as Antioxidant in our body & also removes toxins from body as antitoxin.
Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj [Founder of world famous Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) & Divya Yoga mandir (Trust) Haridwar,India,(Patanjali Yogapeeth is world's first divene institution for treatment and innovative research in Yoga, Ayurveda & other Traditional system of medicines adopting modern scientific parameters) Swami Ramdev ji says "Oxygen (Pran) we breathe fills our lungs,spreads in the entire body(internal and external including neurons,veins ,arteries) providing it with essential food,energy,oxygen and gentle massage;not only that the veins collect the dross elements from the body,take them to the heart and then to the lungs,which throws the useless materials like carbon-di-oxide and other fatal toxins out of the body through the act of exhalation.
Through pranayam and meditation we attain a transcendental state of conciousness where the mind has no thoughts or impressions .in that state,our neuro-endocrine system becomes limbic-hypothalamic,pitutary,adrenal axis becomes strong and precise as a result our stress hormones-ACTH, Cortisol, prolactin ,adrinaline, and nor-adrenaline go down.And good harmones like beta endorphines,enkaphalins gets go up. As a result stress-related disease like hypertension,obesity,heart diseases, etc start do the cases of diabetes,asthma,bronchitis,leucoderma,depression,parkinson, insomnia,migraine,thyroid,arthritis,cervecal spondylitis,hepatitis,chrocic renal failure. cancer, cirrhosis of liver, gas, constipation, acidity etc. spiritually speaking ,with the support of respiration the mind peers into the inner world and enables the 'Sadhak'(Yog practionar) to experience divinity.
Thus yoga fulfils Maharshi Sushruta's healthy individual definition
lenks"k% lekfXu'p le/kkrqeyfdz;%AizlUukResfUnz;euk% LoLFk bfR;fHk/kh;rsAA
&lqJqr lw=LFkku 15@41ftl iq:"k ds nks"k]/kkrq]ey]rFkk vfXuO;kikj le gks vFkkZr lkekU; ¼fodkj jfgr ½ gks rFkk ftldh bfUnz;k ]eu rFkk vkRek izlUu gks ]ogh LoLFk gS
Blood flow & oxygen supply of whole body increases through yoga thus every part of body gets more energy and subsequently its work capacity increases. e.g. In case of 'Sarvangasan' blood circulation to thyroid endocrine gland increases subsequently it's work capacity increases. Like this in case of 'Shirshasan'blood circulation to brain increases neurons supply senses faster to brain.
A research according to Dr.Crystophur Moor of Mesechuates institute of technology (MIT) America, “we expect to cure Alzimers, siezophrenia, multiple sclerosis & epilepsy through shirshasan
Like this in some yogaasans & mudras, increases ,decreases the pressure of various visceral orgnas(Stomuch,Liver,Intestine,Kidney,Pancreases) some times zero pressure thus these organs gets a visceral massage that improves their work capacity in a patient as well as a healthy individual.
Some reflex actions ,feed back mechanism also effected by yoga.Like this we can fight with wrinkles through some facial yoga.which are helpful to stretch and tone facial muscles like singhasan,hasyasan,Shnya pranayam,& some Sukshma yogasans .our facial muscles become weak and flabby and need regular work outs and circulation to reduce wrinkles.
Thus we can say yoga acts as Antioxidant in our body & also removes toxins from body as antitoxin.
Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj [Founder of world famous Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) & Divya Yoga mandir (Trust) Haridwar,India,(Patanjali Yogapeeth is world's first divene institution for treatment and innovative research in Yoga, Ayurveda & other Traditional system of medicines adopting modern scientific parameters) Swami Ramdev ji says "Oxygen (Pran) we breathe fills our lungs,spreads in the entire body(internal and external including neurons,veins ,arteries) providing it with essential food,energy,oxygen and gentle massage;not only that the veins collect the dross elements from the body,take them to the heart and then to the lungs,which throws the useless materials like carbon-di-oxide and other fatal toxins out of the body through the act of exhalation.
Through pranayam and meditation we attain a transcendental state of conciousness where the mind has no thoughts or impressions .in that state,our neuro-endocrine system becomes limbic-hypothalamic,pitutary,adrenal axis becomes strong and precise as a result our stress hormones-ACTH, Cortisol, prolactin ,adrinaline, and nor-adrenaline go down.And good harmones like beta endorphines,enkaphalins gets go up. As a result stress-related disease like hypertension,obesity,heart diseases, etc start do the cases of diabetes,asthma,bronchitis,leucoderma,depression,parkinson, insomnia,migraine,thyroid,arthritis,cervecal spondylitis,hepatitis,chrocic renal failure. cancer, cirrhosis of liver, gas, constipation, acidity etc. spiritually speaking ,with the support of respiration the mind peers into the inner world and enables the 'Sadhak'(Yog practionar) to experience divinity.
Thus yoga fulfils Maharshi Sushruta's healthy individual definition
lenks"k% lekfXu'p le/kkrqeyfdz;%AizlUukResfUnz;euk% LoLFk bfR;fHk/kh;rsAA
&lqJqr lw=LFkku 15@41ftl iq:"k ds nks"k]/kkrq]ey]rFkk vfXuO;kikj le gks vFkkZr lkekU; ¼fodkj jfgr ½ gks rFkk ftldh bfUnz;k ]eu rFkk vkRek izlUu gks ]ogh LoLFk gS
Frequently Asked Questions about yoga
Frequently Asked Questions about yoga
• I am 55 years old, can I practice yoga ?
• I am a Non-Hindu personality, can I practice yoga ?
• When we do the practice of yoga ?
• In menstrual periods, can I practice Yoga ?
• I am a pregnant lady ,can I practice Yoga ?
• I am a high blood pressure patient ,can I practice Yoga ?
• What should be my dressing sense during practicing yoga ?
• What should be my diet while practicing yoga ?
• can I practice Yoga in day time ?
• I am non vegetarian ,can I practice Yoga ?
• Is the trainer necessary while practicing yoga ?
• Tell me about proper place of practicing yoga
• I am a grihistha(person who lives in family in Indian culture is called grihasta) I may be a yogi or not ?
• can I practice Yoga while walking here & there or at my office hours at recreation timings ?
• can I practice Yoga just after meal ?
• What are the aims of yoga ?
• Why one should practice yoga ?
• What’s the timing of pranayam in summer & winter ?
• Can I practice pranayam in Air-condition room ?
• Why yoga preferable in cold condition ?
• I can’t wake up early in the morning what can I do ?
• I have done open heart surgery , How I am to start ?
• I have done sygerian delivery , tell me about yoga.
• I have done angioplasty , when I am to start ?
• Which pranayam or asans are contradicted in Heart , diabetes, BP , Ulcerative colitis, Pregnant lady , Menstrual cycle.
• I am a hernia patient , is pranayam beneficial to me ?
• How I am to sit up from lying position , while practicing yoga ?
• Who are contraindicated for bent forward / backward? while practicing yoga.
• What is rule of breathing (Inspiration & expiration) during move forward / backward / left side / right side ? while practicing yoga.• In fever condition can I practice yoga ?
• In common cold condition can I practice Yoga ?
• What is age factor of yogic practices ?
• Shall we stop breathing while practicing yoga ?
• What are the drawbacks of feeling air in stomach ?
• What is the quantity of pranayam ?
.Quantity, determination, method, speed, Contraindications, ?
Queries about of all these questions are most welcomed at our mails, mobiles, address, or during our practice sessions.
• I am 55 years old, can I practice yoga ?
• I am a Non-Hindu personality, can I practice yoga ?
• When we do the practice of yoga ?
• In menstrual periods, can I practice Yoga ?
• I am a pregnant lady ,can I practice Yoga ?
• I am a high blood pressure patient ,can I practice Yoga ?
• What should be my dressing sense during practicing yoga ?
• What should be my diet while practicing yoga ?
• can I practice Yoga in day time ?
• I am non vegetarian ,can I practice Yoga ?
• Is the trainer necessary while practicing yoga ?
• Tell me about proper place of practicing yoga
• I am a grihistha(person who lives in family in Indian culture is called grihasta) I may be a yogi or not ?
• can I practice Yoga while walking here & there or at my office hours at recreation timings ?
• can I practice Yoga just after meal ?
• What are the aims of yoga ?
• Why one should practice yoga ?
• What’s the timing of pranayam in summer & winter ?
• Can I practice pranayam in Air-condition room ?
• Why yoga preferable in cold condition ?
• I can’t wake up early in the morning what can I do ?
• I have done open heart surgery , How I am to start ?
• I have done sygerian delivery , tell me about yoga.
• I have done angioplasty , when I am to start ?
• Which pranayam or asans are contradicted in Heart , diabetes, BP , Ulcerative colitis, Pregnant lady , Menstrual cycle.
• I am a hernia patient , is pranayam beneficial to me ?
• How I am to sit up from lying position , while practicing yoga ?
• Who are contraindicated for bent forward / backward? while practicing yoga.
• What is rule of breathing (Inspiration & expiration) during move forward / backward / left side / right side ? while practicing yoga.• In fever condition can I practice yoga ?
• In common cold condition can I practice Yoga ?
• What is age factor of yogic practices ?
• Shall we stop breathing while practicing yoga ?
• What are the drawbacks of feeling air in stomach ?
• What is the quantity of pranayam ?
.Quantity, determination, method, speed, Contraindications, ?
Queries about of all these questions are most welcomed at our mails, mobiles, address, or during our practice sessions.
The greatest insult by anyone is neglect
Or do the nuetral behave with
So one must (always) be reactive & expressive happily in society with
Otherwise one must live in jungels ,has no right in society and hurt
आयुर्वेद कॉलेज की पुकार
हिम्मत से सच कहो तो डरते हैं लोग रो रो के बात कहने की अब आदत नही रही.......
विषम परिस्थितियों में चुनोतियों को स्वीकार करते हुए साथ चलने का आह्वान करती पंक्तिया हैं आप सभी के सहयोग ,समर्थन , आशीर्वाद व दुआ की आशा करता हु ,धैर्य से पढ़ना व एक-एक पंक्ति को ग्रहण करे यह हमारी माँ आयुर्वेद और संगठित युवा शक्ति को समर्पित हैं
This is dedicated to youth determination
who have deep commitment to make this science globally accepted & mainstreaming pathy of health sciences।
बाधाये आती hain आय घिरे प्रलय की घोर घटाए
पावो के निचे अंगारे ,सर पर बरसे यदि ज्वालाये
निज हाथो को हसते हसते आग लगा कर जलना होगा
कदम मिला कर चलना होगा-२
उजियारे में ,अंधकार में ,कल kachaar में ,बिच dhaar में
घोर घृणा में ,put प्यार में ,क्षणिक jeet में ,dirghaa हार में
जीवन के शत शत आकर्षक,अरमानो को ढालना होगा
कदम मिला कर चलना होगा -२
सम्मुख फेला अमर ध्येय पथ ,प्रगति chirantan कैसा
सुस्मित हर्षित कैसा श्रम श्लथ,असफल सफल मनोरथ
सुब कुछ देकर कुछ न maangate ,पावस bankar dhalna होगा
dhyan से पढ़ना
कुश काटो से संचित जीवन,प्रखर प्यार से वंचित योवन
niravata से मुखरित मधुवन,पर हित को अर्पित अपना तन-मन
जीवन को shat -शत आहुति में जलना होगा गलना होगा
पढने वाले मेरा दोस्तों esa कहकर के सिर्फ़ हंगामा खड़ा करना मेरा मकसद नही यह तस्वीर बदलनी चाहिए ,और आयुर्वेद की तस्वीर बदलने vale मेरे मित्रो को ahwan करना chahata हु की बदलने के लिए ,परिवर्तन के लिए ज़िन्दगी नही पीढियों की कुर्बानी देनी पड़ती हैं और कुर्बानी की आज जरुरत हैं क्यूंकि ....
कोटि कोटि पुत्रो की माता पीड़ित ,अपमानित हैं
जो जननी का दुःख न मिटाए उन पुत्रो पर लानत हैं
लानत हैं उनकी भरी जानी पर जो पापियों के चरण धो रहे हैं
koti koti ...
ह्रदय ह्रदय में एक आग हैं,कंठ कंठ में एक राग हैं
एक ध्येय हैं एक स्वप्न ,लोटना माँ का swarnim गौरव हैं
और मुझे विश्वास हें
परम्परा का यह प्रवाह हैं कभी न खंडित होगा
पुत्रो के बल पर ही माँ का मस्तक मंडित होगा
वह कपूत हैं जिसके रहते माँ की deen दशा हो
shat भाई का घर ujadata जिसका महल बना हो
परम्परा का यह...
एक हाथ में srujan ,दुसरे में प्रलय लिए चलते हैं
वे कीर्ति jwala में जलते,हम अंधियारों में जलते हैं
आँखों में वैभव के सपने ,पग में तुफानो की गतिहो
आयुर्वेद का jwaar न रुकेगा aaye जिस जिस की हिम्मत हो
आए जिया-जिस की हिम्मत हो
गर्व से कहो हम अयुर्वेदियन हैं
I proud to be an Ayurvedian
We proud to be an Ayurvedian
Jai Bharat-Jai Ayurveda
विषम परिस्थितियों में चुनोतियों को स्वीकार करते हुए साथ चलने का आह्वान करती पंक्तिया हैं आप सभी के सहयोग ,समर्थन , आशीर्वाद व दुआ की आशा करता हु ,धैर्य से पढ़ना व एक-एक पंक्ति को ग्रहण करे यह हमारी माँ आयुर्वेद और संगठित युवा शक्ति को समर्पित हैं
This is dedicated to youth determination
who have deep commitment to make this science globally accepted & mainstreaming pathy of health sciences।
बाधाये आती hain आय घिरे प्रलय की घोर घटाए
पावो के निचे अंगारे ,सर पर बरसे यदि ज्वालाये
निज हाथो को हसते हसते आग लगा कर जलना होगा
कदम मिला कर चलना होगा-२
उजियारे में ,अंधकार में ,कल kachaar में ,बिच dhaar में
घोर घृणा में ,put प्यार में ,क्षणिक jeet में ,dirghaa हार में
जीवन के शत शत आकर्षक,अरमानो को ढालना होगा
कदम मिला कर चलना होगा -२
सम्मुख फेला अमर ध्येय पथ ,प्रगति chirantan कैसा
सुस्मित हर्षित कैसा श्रम श्लथ,असफल सफल मनोरथ
सुब कुछ देकर कुछ न maangate ,पावस bankar dhalna होगा
dhyan से पढ़ना
कुश काटो से संचित जीवन,प्रखर प्यार से वंचित योवन
niravata से मुखरित मधुवन,पर हित को अर्पित अपना तन-मन
जीवन को shat -शत आहुति में जलना होगा गलना होगा
पढने वाले मेरा दोस्तों esa कहकर के सिर्फ़ हंगामा खड़ा करना मेरा मकसद नही यह तस्वीर बदलनी चाहिए ,और आयुर्वेद की तस्वीर बदलने vale मेरे मित्रो को ahwan करना chahata हु की बदलने के लिए ,परिवर्तन के लिए ज़िन्दगी नही पीढियों की कुर्बानी देनी पड़ती हैं और कुर्बानी की आज जरुरत हैं क्यूंकि ....
कोटि कोटि पुत्रो की माता पीड़ित ,अपमानित हैं
जो जननी का दुःख न मिटाए उन पुत्रो पर लानत हैं
लानत हैं उनकी भरी जानी पर जो पापियों के चरण धो रहे हैं
koti koti ...
ह्रदय ह्रदय में एक आग हैं,कंठ कंठ में एक राग हैं
एक ध्येय हैं एक स्वप्न ,लोटना माँ का swarnim गौरव हैं
और मुझे विश्वास हें
परम्परा का यह प्रवाह हैं कभी न खंडित होगा
पुत्रो के बल पर ही माँ का मस्तक मंडित होगा
वह कपूत हैं जिसके रहते माँ की deen दशा हो
shat भाई का घर ujadata जिसका महल बना हो
परम्परा का यह...
एक हाथ में srujan ,दुसरे में प्रलय लिए चलते हैं
वे कीर्ति jwala में जलते,हम अंधियारों में जलते हैं
आँखों में वैभव के सपने ,पग में तुफानो की गतिहो
आयुर्वेद का jwaar न रुकेगा aaye जिस जिस की हिम्मत हो
आए जिया-जिस की हिम्मत हो
गर्व से कहो हम अयुर्वेदियन हैं
I proud to be an Ayurvedian
We proud to be an Ayurvedian
Jai Bharat-Jai Ayurveda
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