Everyone wishes to shine in his life but in this hectic life , and in the age of cut through competitions a man can’t spend time for himself (although he wishes). Man is earning money at the cost of his health. Some times he wishes to spend time for health ,and he tries also but after sometime he leaves the efforts due to lack of time .
Exexutive,IT Professionals, B.P.O. Professional etc.who is continously exposed to computer screen,prone to computer vision syndrome,confined to sitting on a chair for long hours with prolonged use of fingers for operating keyboard leading to carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain injuries) and Back pain symdrome, working late hours without proper sleep during our circadian rhythm, physical and mental stress of meeting deadlines and have untimely food irregularly leading to host of gastrointestinal , neurological ,psychiatric disorders etd . To broaden your awareness of health, fitness, nutrition, movement, stress management and creative expression this package give you enough insight.
So we developed a “Special 30 minute programme for busy persons” for their good health which is blend of Asans , pranayams, meditations ,some micro exercises , prayer , sahntipath etc.
It works wonders to keep you happy and healthy and increases your professional skills ,work life adjustments. We developed the programme on the results of our spontaneous experience in field of yoga , which never make you bored , you will enjoy the programme and your sound health , we will give you such a good training that after some time you can practice it on your on, you will being loving the programme so much that you will wish to perform it again & again to rejuvenate yourself.
After adopting the programme you will be more enthusiastic & optimistic with great positive thought. This is specially made for youngsters who really want go on high in their lives.