Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Create obsructions in pathway of different organs by muscular constrictin is called Bandha.
The target of bandha is to stimulate kundalini by stimulating or enhancing energy.In this process getting energy kundalini become soften and enters into sushumana nadi from Muladhar chakra.Basic Bandhas are 3 in number

Mul Bandha - Tightly & upward constriction of anorectal muscles (Anal lock)

Uddiyan Bandha - Exhaling out air and contraticg the abdominal muscle & elevating diaphragm (Abdominal lock)

Jalandhar Bandha -Constriction of laryngeal muscles & touching chin to chest (Chin lock)

Note :- Never practice Bandhas in absence of experienced yoga trainer.


Mudras are special positions of bodyBasic mudras are
• Gyan mudra or dhyan mudra - Improves concentration& reduces stress & depression
• Vayu mudra beneficial in Gout,gas ,asthritis• Shunya mudra Reduces ear disorders
• Prithvi mudra It is useful for obeses & also for lin & thin
• Gona mudra Beneficial in urine disorders• Shakti mudra/Apan mudra Reduces Gastric troubles
Other mudras are Khechari mudra(Toungue management),Mahamudra,Yogmudra (Butterfly) Yonimudra & singamudra.

Kundalini & Chakras

Kundalini & Chakras
Kundalini is a special power,which lives in muladhr chakra (Pelvic plexus & coccygeum ganglion),Yoge trigger kundaline & try to get this power.

According to Yoga texts Eda,Pingala & Sarasvati are three Nadis (Nerves)which bears the pranvayu(Basically oxygen) & maintains all physiological actions of body.And six Chakras (Bundles) made from these nerves are situated from inferior to superior part of body.In body Pran (oxygen) folws through tese chakras.

According to site these chakras have special powers .

Yoga texts includes the methods of control/gain of these powers.These chakras are made of autonomos nerves so these work independently.These are not in our control.To make control over these we are to perform yogic exercises.

These are as follows

• Muladhar chakra (Anatomically pelvic plexus & coccyguem ganglion)

• Swadhisthan chakra (Anatomically hypogastric or aorotic plexus)

• Manipur chakra(Solar plexus)

• Anahat chakra (Cardiac plexus)

• Vishudha chakra (cervical or carotid plexus)

• Agya chakra(Cavernous plexus ; optic thalamus)
& Sahstrasar chakra or BrahmrandhraSpiral shaped kundalini gives power after stimulation(triggering) & when this power passes through different chakras and meets with sahastrasar chakra then a indivisual meets Almighty and a person become very powerful with sidhies(Special divine powers)

Kundalini & Chakras

Kundalini & Chakras
Kundalini is a special power,which lives in muladhr chakra (Pelvic plexus & coccygeum ganglion),Yoge trigger kundaline & try to get this power.
According to Yoga texts Eda,Pingala & Sarasvati are three Nadis (Nerves)which bears the pranvayu(Basically oxygen) & maintains all physiological actions of body.And six Chakras (Bundles) made from these nerves are situated from inferior to superior part of body.In body Pran (oxygen) folws through tese chakras.

According to site these chakras have special powers .

Yoga texts includes the methods of control/gain of these powers.These chakras are made of autonomos nerves so these work independently.These are not in our control.To make control over these we are to perform yogic exercises.
These are as follows
• Muladhar chakra (Anatomically pelvic plexus & coccyguem ganglion)
• Swadhisthan chakra (Anatomically hypogastric or aorotic plexus)
• Manipur chakra(Solar plexus)
• Anahat chakra (Cardiac plexus)
• Vishudha chakra (cervical or carotid plexus)
• Agya chakra(Cavernous plexus ; optic thalamus)
& Sahstrasar chakra or BrahmrandhraSpiral shaped kundalini gives power after stimulation(triggering) & when this power passes through different chakras and meets with sahastrasar chakra then a indivisual meets Almighty and a person become very powerful with sidhies(Special divine powers)

Restricted diet.& Dietetic incompatibility.

Restricted diet.& Dietetic incompatibility.
There are some diets , which you should avoid always, because they are harmful to our body.

Fast foods-Fine floor (Maida) , yeast containing foods like bread , pizza , burger , biscuits , etc which generates disease like constipation ,indigestion, gastric troubles ,weak digestive system ,obesity , heart diseases, diabetes , intestinal diseases.

Stale food-Stale food generates disease like constipation ,indigestion, gastric troubles ,weak digestive system ,obesity , heart diseases, diabetes , intestinal diseases.

Chocolates-Chocolates have phenyl ,ethylamine, thyobromede etc chemicals which may create threatening disease like pyrea diabetes & cancer.

Tea & Coffee-They have 10 dangerous chemicals like Tannins , Thenine ,Caffine etc which are cause of insomnia , Acidity ,weak digestive power ,peptic ulcers etc & also harmful to kidney & intestine.

Cold drinks –It has poisonous substances like D.D.T.(Carcinogen), Lindane (Dangerous to children’s brain) ,Chlorpyrephos (Threatening for pregnant ladies), & Phosphric acid (Osteoporesis).

Non veg-It may create cardiac diseases, skin diseases ,stone problem , & kidney releated problems.

Liquors & smokingLiquors , smoking & other addictions are cause of incurable diseases of liver ,kidney, Brain(specially memory loss) , & characterlessness / Brateness.

Dietetic incompatibilityMeans there are some diets which are contraindicated in special conditions (e.g. season, region, quantity, combination……….. ) here we are giving you some dietetic incompatibility

With milk-Do not take curd, salt, gur, sour substance, tamarindus, raddish , turai, about all fruits, garlic ,zinzer , They create chronic incurable diseases like white spots (luecoderma) , psoriasis, osteoasthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acne , itching etc.

With curd –“Khir”, milk, butter (panir), Hot food , water mallon, raddish

With ghee-Cold milk, cold water , & honey in same quantity.

With cold water-Ground nut, Ghee ,oil, water mallon, guava, jamuna, kakri , khira, hot food.

With hot food-Cold drinks.

Facial Yoga

Facial Yoga
“Face is the Index of Heart”

Leave your tongue hanging out and roll your eyes upwards, blow kisses till your head back & try to kiss ceiling……hold each pose for a minutes. This might sound like a one way ticket to the loony bin, but it actually sets you on the road to firm jaws & plump lips. This is facial yoga. Sceptics may sneer , but the trend is here to stay, for those who want to get red of worry lines & wrinkles. It’s a natural facelift. We all knows that looks are important. Gyms can tone up your body, but what abort the face? A face is made up of 57 muscles, which are as responsive too exercise as other muscle.

We believe the face is our biography and we need to made it a bestseller,
We can fight with wrinkles though some facial yoga, which are helpful to stretch & tone facial muscles like singhasan ,Hasyasan , Shunya pranayam & some sukshmasans.Our facial muscles become weak and flabby and need circulation to reduce wrinkles.

Facial exercises stimulate blood circulation for an even skin tone, rejuvenate elasticity and natural collagen. They help diminish fine lines as well as brighten & tighten the skin.

Laughter play an important role in facial yoga and can smooth wrinkles as it increases blood circulation and removes polluted corbondioxide from the lungs. Thus we can say yoga acts as antioxidant in our body, which delay the oxidation process (Oxidation of food will complete and we will get full energy from food but the rate of oxidation delayed means we will get full energy longer.) , delays the ageing process, removes toxins , removes free radicals, (Same as Ayurvedic “RASAYANS”) gives glowing complexions and over all it gives us healthy & longer life.

Ashtang yoga:

Ashtang yoga:
Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga:- In Sanskrit "Ashta + anga" is Ashtanga. "Ashta" means Eight and "Anga" is limbs so it means Eight Limb path, ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. The asanas, Pranayamas or the dharana which we have studied earlier or the yam and niyam are based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Hence, we will acquaint ourselves with the fundamentals as stated by Patanjali first.

History of Ashtanga Yoga
Yoga has its roots about 5000 years BC as described in Vedic Philosophy and Tantras. Patanjali , great sage composed this path into a Darshan(Philosophy) in his Book Patanjal Yoga Sutra. In which he has formulated Yoga as a Eight Limbs or Eight Fold path.

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga -
1. Yama (Principles or moral code)
- A principle of non-violenceSatya
- A principle of TruthfulnessAsteya
- A principle of non stealingBrahmacharya
- Continence / celibacyAparigah
- A principle of non-hoarding or non possessiveness

2. Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
Shoucha - PuritySantosh - ContentmentTapa - EnduranceSwadhyaya - Self studyEshwar Pranidhan - Dedication

3. Asana - (Yoga Postures / positions)
A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium.

4. Pranayama - (Yoga Breathing)
Extension and control of breath.

5. Pratyahara - (Withdrawal of Senses)
A mental preparation to increase the power of mind.

6. Dharana - (Concentration on Object)
Concentration of mind on one object and its field.

7. Dhyan - (Meditation)
With drawing mind from all external objects and Focusing it on one point and meditating on it.

8.Samadhi - (Salvation)
State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness in to universal consciousness. Union between Jivatman and Paramatman. Union of Shiva and Shakti in Sahasrar Chakra (the top of the head). Realizing the Bramhan (pure consciousness) or Realization of God is the ultimate achievement of Human Birth

laughter yoga

Laughter Yoga:
It is say that“Happiness is contagious ;so start an epidemic”

We just want to make whole universe happy like….. If you’re happy then your family is happy, Your family is happy means your neighbor is happy , your neighbor is happy means your colony is happy, your colony .city , district , zone ,state , country, continental, world , earth and earth is happy means other planets are happy and if all planets are happy means aliens are happy thus whole universe is happy. In this way laughter is only way to make universe happy through above action plan but how a man can be happy through laughter yoga.
Laughter plays an important role yogic facelift and tones the facial muscles & smooth wrinkles s it increases blood circulation, antioxidants and removes free radicals , toxin, & polluted corbondioxide from lungs .

Laughter can be broadly classified into three classes-

(i) Laughter at face level

(ii) Laughter at throat level

(iii) Laughter at abdominal level

By laughter yoga we can get several type of benefits

(1) Physical benefit-Through laughter yoga one can achieve good health . Laughter work as medicine . It is beneficial in many diseases like diabetes, joint pain, knee pain. Laughter can cure anything from head-ache to heart problem.

(2)Emotional benefitsPeoples who are bad tempered , must control on their anger, because sometimes it is harmful for themselves.Laughter yoga made them emotional stronger so it makes their environment peaceful, enjoy full & happy.

(3) Interpersonal / social benefitsBecause of short temper a person can’t able to bond well with their co-member , so people makes distance with that person. Using laughter therapy he can become cheerful.He enjoys talking to people , he shares problems with his friends and he can realize that there are other also who are sailing in the same boat , so that one can easily mix-up in group by his happier nature.
Advantages"-Physical exercise is leisure activity & also complicated for older adults , laughter is better alternative of this.-Physical exercises are time consuming & require some sources to do exercise whereas laughter is cheaper luxury.-Laughter yoga is to function as stress buster .- It is very beneficial in psychosomatic disorders-It is able to cure all types of disorders.
ConclusionIf laughter by itself can be the best medicine , then what miracles could a cocktail of laughter , yoga stretches exercises & meditation being forth the older or adults who are caught in the clutches of depression , loneliness and worthlessness laughter therapy can overcome all these & make them happiest person.& We avails you a very good laugh.ter therapist