Tuesday, October 27, 2009


These are six yogic purificatory (cleansing) methods which are as beneficial as Ayurvedic panchkarma .The aim of Panchkarma is physical purification & apart of this aim of shatkarma is physical as well as mental purification'

Basic shatkarmas are :
(1) Neti karma
-Purification of nasal routeFurther two type -Sutra neti -Jal neti

(2)Dhoti karma
-Purification of stomuchfurther two type -Vastra dhoti -Jal dhotiBesides of these
- Panchdhoti(Karna & karnarandhra dhoti,Kapalrandhradhoti,Jivha & Jivhamul dhoti , dant dhoti, nasika dhoti)- & Gajkarni or Gajkarma are also practiced dhoti.

(3)Basti karma(Enema)
Anus,rectum & large intestine purificationfurther two types -Pawan basti (Air enema) -Jal Basti (liquid enema).

(4) Tratak
Eye purification & also very good results in improving memory & concentration.further three types -Aantar trataka -Bahya trataka -Madhya trataka

Nostrils & nasopharynx purificationvery good result in kayakalpa(whole body development)

Visceral massage which beneficil mainly to digestive system and beneficial in curing of all diseases